Limbo Tech enjoys a great relationship with a number of artists and galleries across the UK, working hand-in-hand to develop and deliver digital installations that use a wide mix of our services and expertise. If you have an arts project or installation you'd like to discuss, please get in contact.

A Co-production with Signals Media
We were approached by Basildon Council to create a bespoke interactive installation to encourage residents to leave and share feedback about their local area. We retrofitted a pair of vintage rotatory phones with Microprocessors, On picking up the receiver one phone would ask the resident a random question about their local area and record their response, The other phone would play back these audio responses.
“The inspiration for the question/answer phones came from a desire to build a device that lets you share a message with someone you’ll never meet. A digital time capsule of anonymous thoughts, advice, stories, and memories that could be listened to by anyone. You have no idea who might hear your message and how it could affect them.”

Want to see more examples of how we have worked with other clients? Take a look at our BLOG page to see more of our work or get in touch with us for a chat.